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The Haramain sets a new record number of travellers during Ramadan

The Medina-Mecca high-speed train continues to increase its number of users during the peak pilgrimage season.

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Haramain high-speed rail services between the Saudi cities of Mecca and Medina have reached a new record during Ramadan, with 1.09 million passengers. This represents a 17% increase compared to Ramadan 2023.

The Consortium operating this train, in collaboration with Saudi Arabia Railways (SAR) and the Saudi branch of Renfe, scheduled 3,163 trips from 11 March to 13 April, representing a 41% increase over the usual offer.

Furthermore, in March 2024, Haramain High-Speed Railway recorded the highest number of passengers since it began services in October 2018, with more than 851,250 passengers.

Aiming to become the main mode of transport between cities sacred to Islam, the Saudi high-speed line has brought back night trains to cater to mobility needs after iftar (the daily breaking of the fast after sunset).

In parallel, the Saudi high-speed line has adapted services to the schedules of worship areas, offered various promotions to boost bookings for pilgrim groups and families, and set up a special reception centre at Medina station to facilitate travellers’ transit.

Haramain High-Speed Railway continues its business growth. In 2023, it recorded 6.97 million passengers, its highest annual ridership ever, a 90% increase from 3.67 million in 2022, the first full year after the COVID-19 pandemic.

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