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Óscar Puente aims to introduce a single ticket for Spanish public transport by 2026


The Spanish Minister of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, Óscar Puente, has set a date for his ambitious plan to implement a single ticket for all public transport in Spain. The target date is 2026.

The aim is to emulate the Deutschland Ticket, which allows travel on all PSO public transport (metros, trams, buses, ferries and short and medium-distance trains) for €58 per month. This ticket can be used instead of the season tickets issued by each transport authority.

The first step towards this ticket will be taken in 2025. As announced in December, from 1 July the free recurrent season ticket for Cercanías will be replaced by a monthly season ticket that will allow travel on all Cercanías networks.

It will cost just €20 per month, €10 for young people between 15 and 26 years old. Those under this age will enjoy this ticket free of charge. Unlike in Germany, this pass excludes regional trains whose multi-journey tickets will be discounted by 40%.

However, the single ticket faces a major political barrier: regional governments and their transport authorities that don’t want to lose control of their tickets.

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